1997 Burger King Universal Monsters: Wolf Man, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Creature From The Black Lagoon

1997 Universal Monsters Burger King Kid's Club Action Figures

In 1997, Universal re-released a lot of their old monster movies on VHS.  As a result, they were licensing the old Universal Monsters all over the place to rekindle interest in the movies.  They even had Universal Monsters US Postage Stamps that year!  For me, the coolest result came in October of 1997 in the form of The Burger King Kids Club Universal Monsters Action Figures!

1997 Universal Monsters action figures from Burger King still in the original packages

The figures were similar to the 3 3/4" Remco universal monsters, but different enough that anyone who had the Remco figures wouldn't confuse the two different releases.  Also, Remco released six different characters while Burger King released only four: Down For the Count Dracula, Bolts and Volts Frankenstein, The Wolf Man Cellar Dweller, Scaly Squirter featuring The Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Universal Monsters Glow-in-the-Dark stickers that came with the Burger King action figures

As if cool monster action figures wasn't already enough, all four figures came with a glow-in-the-dark sicker and three of the four figures came with a good size accessory!  Frankenstein came with a lab table, Dracula came with a coffin, and The Wolf Man came with a cellar door box.  The Creature from the Black Lagoon was the only one without an accessory.

The Wolf Man Burger King action figure with Cellar Doors

Frankenstein Burger King action figure with Light-Up Laboratory Table

Dracula Burger King action figure with Coffin

The Creature from the Black Lagoon Burger King action figure

Although The Creature didn't come with an accessory, he did have an action feature: you could press the button on his chest, then submerge him under water and release the button.  This would make water flow into his mouth.  When you pulled him out of the water, you could press the button and make him "spit" water from him mouth.  I've seen numerous people say that this figure lit up at one point, but that is simply not the case.  Below are the instructions that came with each figure:

Burger King Universal Monsters instructions

Did you pick up the Universal Monsters from Burger King back in 1997?  If not, have you been picking them up more recently?  Which figure is your favorite?  Tell me below in the comments!

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  1. At one time I had the Wolfman and Creature figures. I always wanted the full set but was never able to find them. One day...

    1. They are such a great set! If you're able to find them at a swap meet, thrift store, or toy show, they're usually pretty cheap. Even on ebay, they can be found for a decent price.

  2. I only got the Creature tough i seen a lot of people focused on collecting this guys. They seem pretty well loved.

    1. They seem to be some of the few Universal Monsters that can be picked up for a low price!


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