Action Figure Overview: Star Wars - Luke Skywalker (Hoth Battle Gear) (Kenner, 1982)

Luke Skywalker in Hoth Battle Gear

From the moment I saw my friend's Star Wars figures when I was a kid, I thought they were the coolest thing in the world!  For the next few years, Kenner Star Wars figures were my absolute favorite toys.  In 1980, the first wave of figures for The Empire Strikes Back arrived in stores.  They were amazingly awesome and had me even more excited about the Star Wars universe.  More Empire Strikes Back figures came out in 1981 and another wave arrived in 1982.

We only get about one day of snow a year in Georgia
so I thought I should take some photos of my Hoth rebel troops

The first wave of 1982 included six figures: a new R2-D2 with a sensor scope, a new C-3PO with removable arms and legs, a new, black Bespin Security Guard, the AT-AT Commander, the Twin-Pod Cloud Car Pilot, and last but not least, Luke Skywalker in Hoth Battle Gear.  Although several of these were new versions of figures that I already had, I picked up all them.  I was a big fan of the section of the movie that took place on Hoth and I was a big fan of the Hoth-themed figures.  In fact, I had been using the Hoth Rebel Soldier as a Hoth Luke Skywalker for the last few years, so it was pretty cool to have an official Hoth Luke, but honestly, the Hoth Rebel Soldier had worked fine as a stand in.

Kenner's 1982 action figure lineup from The Empire Strikes Back

The official Hoth Luke Skywalker was a nicely designed figure.  He had his goggles and binoculars on his chest along with a belt with several pouches.  Beneath these molded-on accessories was a tan vest.  His arms and legs were molded in white with gray boots painted on.  On his head, he wore a hat and hood with a scarf and communicator.

Luke Skywalker in Hoth Battle Gear (Kenner, 1982)

Even though the Hoth Luke came with the same gun as the Rebel Commander, he is pictured on several different card backs with the same pistol style gun as the Rebel Soldier in Hoth Battle Gear.  I've wondered if some of the Hoth Lukes were packaged with the Hoth Rebel Soldier guns, but I suspect it was just a mistake at the photo shoot.

The Hoth figures were some of my favorites!

My figures from Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back were some of my favorite toys from my childhood.  However, by the time the Return of the Jedi figures came out, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero had taken over.  I still loved Star Wars and probably had about half of the Return of the Jedi figures and a Speeder Bike.  I'm glad to have had my Empire Strikes Back figures when I did because I had so much fun playing with them during those awesome years of my childhood.

Han Solo and Luke Skywalker on Hoth

Did you have Star Wars figures as a kid?  If so, who was your favorite figure?  Tell me in the comments below!

Also, If you collect toys, you should know about Toylanta, the best toy show in the Southeastern United States held annually in Georgia.  Visit for more information.


  1. You weren't the only one who used the Hoth Rebel Soldier as a stand-in for Luke. Actually I liked him better.

    1. It's difficult for me to be objective about it since the Hoth Rebel Soldier was my Luke for so long!


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