Fisher-Price Adventure People: Set #353 Scuba Divers (1976-1981)
Fisher-Price Adventure People Scuba Divers set #353 (1976-1981) The Fisher-Price Adventure People first went on sale in 1975 with four sets: #303 Rescue Truck, #304 Safari , #305 Rescue Copter and #306 Sport Plane. Each set included one or two 3 3/4" action figures except the Safari set which included four figures! The sets were so successful that Fisher-Price decided to add three new sets in 1976 ( #307 Wilderness Patrol , #308 Super Speed Racer, #310 Sea Explorer). All of these sets sold well and were in production for several years. However, the sets all included vehicles which meant that the cost for each of these sets would prevent parents looking for an inexpensive toy from buying them as impulse purchases. Fisher-Price needed a lower-cost alternative. Summer fun with the Adventure People! To expand on the Adventure People line, in 1976 Fisher-Price started selling smaller sets that included a couple of 3 3/4" figures and some small accessories, but d...