Imaginext 2018 Series 11 Blind Bag codes
There are 6 different Imaginext Blind Bags in Series 11. Fisher Price has included embossed number codes on the back of each bag to identify which set you're getting in each mystery pack. The codes can be found at the top left of each bag. Here is a list of Series 11 codes: #53 Toxic Waste Clean Up Guy in Hazmat Suit with Radioactive Container #54 Clear Green Robot Man and his Dog, a nod to the 1982 Adventure People "X-Ray Man" #55 Pair of Pink Wrestlers, a nod to the 1985 M.U.S.C.L.E. figures MuscleMan and Terri-Bull #56 Fish Head Robot. Is this a nod to Bob the Killer Goldfish from Earthworm Jim? #57 Blue Centaur #58 Snake Man, a nod to the 1986 Battle Beasts figure Triple Threat Snake CLICK HERE to check out the WeHadThat YouTube channel!